The following positions are available in the team .
PhD Thesis (updated 05/03/2025)
- Modeling joint action reinforcement learning
under inter- and intra- personal variability, proposed by A. Dutech (Biscuit) and H. Chame (NeuroRythms)
- Modeling joint action reinforcement learning
To apply, get in touch with both supervisors. Eventually, the application file will be made of (CV + motivation letter + short description of master thesis + thesis manuscript +degree certificates and transcript for Bachelor and Master). Recommendation letters can be usefull.
Master internships (updated 16/04/2024)
(sorry, most of these subject are written in French, we are working on that)
Old master subjects that still might be of interest
- Apprentissage non-supervisé de flux optique avec des réseaux de neurones impulsionnels proposed by B. Girau and A. Fois.
- Cartes auto-organisatrices et architectures reconfigurables proposed by B. Girau and H. Rostro-Gonzalez.
- Champs neuronaux sur circuits neuromorphiques proposed by B. Girau and H. Rostro-Gonzalez.
- Cartes auto-organisatrices : décentralisation et tolérance aux fautes, proposed by J.Fix & B.Girau
- Apprentissage par renforcement en temps continu, proposé par A. Dutech
- Cartes auto-organisatrices : décentralisation et tolérance aux fautes, proposed by J.Fix & B.Girau
Positions already filled
- Toward an event-driven approach to the emergence of behavior
Supervision A. Dutech & H. Frezza-Buet (concours for a contract from Ecole Doctorale)
(PDF français, english) => Maxime Plochaski, 2024. - Neural models of vector quantization, continual learning and non-stationnary distribution.
Supervision B. Girau & H. Frezza-Buet (funding from the ANR) => Nasr Allah Aghelias, 2024 - Apprentissage par Renforcement sur Processeur Neuromorphique proposed by B. Girau and A. Dutech
- Apprentissage par Renforcement Profond pour le Contrôle du Trafic Routier proposed by J. Legrand, A. Dutech and H. Nortia (in collaboration with Kesk)
- Towards an event-driven approach to the emergence of cognition, PhD thesis of Bastien Faure-Brac (2019-..)
- Multi map decentralized self organization, PhD thesis of Noémie Gonnier (2018-..)
- Neuromorphic computing for robust exploration and categorization of visual and multimodal environments with embedded systems, PhD thesis of Yann Bernard (2018-..)
- Motivated Multi scale Self-Organization for the emergence of coordinated sensorimotor behaviors, PhD Thesis of Tristan Gillard (2018-..)
- Bio-inspired self-organizing neuronal architectures, PhD Thesis of Adrien Fois (2018-..)
- Auto-organisation spatio-temporelle robuste aux effets de densité, Master
- Adaptive representation of the state state in on-policy fully observed markovian decision processes, master thesis of Aïcha Soussi (2017)
Older PhD Thesis (updated 16/04/2024)
- Self organizing maps on neuromorphic chips.
Supervision B. Girau (concours for a contract from Ecole Doctorale) - Self-organizing neural models and hardware implementation for continual learning.
Supervision B. Girau (concours for a contract from Ecole Doctorale) - Neural models of vector quantization, continual learning and non-stationnary distribution.
Supervision B. Girau & H. Frezza-Buet (funding from the ANR) - Toward a decentralized neural architecture of self-organizing maps
Supervision H.Frezza-Buet & Y.Boniface (english)
- Self organizing maps on neuromorphic chips.